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偶像漩涡原声带The Weeknd,Future《Double Fantasy》MP3百度云下载

发表于 2023-6-3 09:27:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

偶像漩涡原声带The Weeknd,Future《Double Fantasy》MP3百度云下载

偶像漩涡原声带The Weeknd,Future《Double Fantasy》MP3百度云下载


歌曲的开头是The Weeknd的独唱部分,他用他独特的嗓音唱出了他对理想女人的渴望和追求,用诗意的比喻和形容词来描绘他心目中的完美画面,如“你是我梦中的天使,你是我灵魂的归宿”、“你是我最美的错觉,你是我最甜的毒药”等,展现了他对爱情的矛盾和复杂。歌曲的副歌部分是Future的说唱部分,他用他流畅的韵律和诙谐的语言唱出了他对理想生活的向往和享受,用现实的事物和数字来描述他所拥有的一切,如“我有最快的跑车,我有最贵的手表”、“我有最多的钞票,我有最好的朋友”等,展现了他对生活的自信和满足。

歌曲中,The Weeknd和Future的声音和风格形成了一种鲜明的对比和和谐的统一,既体现了他们各自的个性和特色,又彰显了他们之间的默契和合作。歌曲中还运用了一些重复和回响的效果,增加了歌曲的层次感和感染力。歌曲中还穿插了一些女声的合音和呼吸声,增加了歌曲的性感和诱惑。

偶像漩涡原声带The Weeknd,Future《Double Fantasy》MP3百度云下载

Temperature rising, bodies united, now that I've trapped you in my arms
此时此刻 气温急剧飙升 肌肤亲密无间 我将你紧拥入怀抱
No need to fight it, no need to hide it, now that I've seen what's in your heart
就别再抗拒 何必再躲闪 此刻我终于明白你到底作何感想
Baby girl, I'm the only one who knows this side of you
亲爱的女孩 唯有我才能发现这面不同的你
And, baby, you know that I can pull out what's inside of you even though it's wrong
宝贝你是知道的 我能够让你跨越禁忌的界限
It's wrong
Even though it's wrong, baby
尽管你深知不该如此 但亲爱的
My girl
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh
You want me inside it, beg me to slide in
你如饥似渴 祈求我将你探寻
Knowing we should have never met
Girl, when you ride it, see you decide it
女孩 当你尽情驰骋 那就快决定吧
Don't say those words that you'll regret
Baby girl, I can tell that you think that I'm right for you
亲爱的女孩 我知道于你而言 我是你的真命天子
I already know that it's not true, but, girl, I'll lie to you even though it's wrong
其实并非如此 但女孩 尽管说谎不好 但我也没办法
It's wrong
Even though it's wrong, baby
尽管你深知不该如此 但亲爱的
Oh girl
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh
We do the things, what we know is wrong
我们越过底线 触犯禁忌
All in my skin, you all in my palm
彼此相互依偎 我用手将你轻抚
I sent you an envelope, came with a poem
我给你寄去一封 附有小诗的信件
You possess venom that came with a charm
You get the good out of me when I perform
I know the bad in you, that's what I want
我知道你会使坏 但那正是我所求
And you a baddie, you turnin' me on
你真是狡猾呢 将我欲火激起
Fiend for your demons, I know where this goin'
Love when you ****in' me, talkin', girl, you know what you doin'
当你我欢爱放纵时 你是清醒的吧
Caught up in your love, what the **** is we doin'?
深陷你所爱 我们到底在做什么
Models and bottles with us, ain't nothin' to it
I tell you I got you, that's well understood
我告诉你 你已为我所有 这并不难理解
Your legs on the bed, got your head on the floor
你头枕在地板上 双腿在床上
We go out shoppin' whenever we get bored
碰到无聊的时候 我们就上街购物
We get the poppin' treatment in the store
If I go to Saturn, I know that you're goin'
若我前往土星 我知道 你肯定会陪伴我
**** me on Saturday, early in the morn'
在周六时与我放纵情欲吧 持续到黎明
Found her in the bird, she gon' open her door
在她正值青春时相逢 她会向我敞开心扉
Screamin' out murder, but showin' you remorse
虽行为举止粗鲁犹如谋杀 但却仍有一丝悔恨
Gotta be cautious, can't play this in court
保持谨言慎行 这可不能开诚布公
Stars on the ceilin', don't feel like a Porsche
抬头仰望漫天繁星 不及坐在保时捷中驰骋
Came from the trenches, just livin' on war
战后纷飞 从战墟中走来
Once was a prostitute, I can afford it, the one I adore
曾出卖过身体 若是想与我所仰慕之人 我根本不够格
Temperature rising, bodies united, now that I've trapped you in my arms
此时此刻 气温急剧飙升 肌肤亲密无间 我将你紧拥入怀抱
No need to fight it, no need to hide it, now that I've seen what's in your heart
就别再抗拒 何必再躲闪 此刻我终于明白你到底作何感想
Baby girl, I'm the only one who knows this side of you
亲爱的女孩 唯有我才能发现这面不同的你
And, baby, you know that I can pull out what's inside of you even though it's wrong
宝贝你是知道的 我能够让你跨越禁忌的界限
It's wrong
Even though it's wrong, baby
尽管你深知不该如此 但亲爱的
My girl

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