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[无损] Alexandre Desplat《本杰明·巴顿奇事》OST原声大碟FLAC无损专辑

发表于 2024-6-6 08:35:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Alexandre Desplat《本杰明·巴顿奇事》OST原声大碟FLAC无损专辑

Alexandre Desplat《本杰明·巴顿奇事》OST原声大碟FLAC无损专辑

DESPLAT的配乐延续了他一贯的优雅圆舞曲风格,主旋律动听异常,钢琴奏出的始终走动嘀嗒声,管弦乐协奏营造出时代婚后广阔的效果,两者结合,凸现了影片的时空主体,小调式旋律忧郁内敛,如黑夜潜流向前推进,诡异而不失大气。衔接了ALEXANDRE DESPLAT在〈戴珍珠耳环的少女〉,〈色,戒>,〈面纱〉,〈女王〉等诸多作品中的尖端,华美,兼具细腻神秘的东方色彩的一贯风格。
贯穿整部影片的音乐是一位老人在养老院是教本杰明弹奏的那首钢琴独奏《Bethena》(A Concert Waltz),钢琴独奏谕示着这条不平凡的路是一个人走的,但因为有你,有我爱的人,并不孤独,最后我轻轻放手的时候,回忆往事,感动如潮。

Alexandre Desplat《本杰明·巴顿奇事》OST原声大碟FLAC无损专辑

Track listing
Disc/Cassette 1
1. Postcards
2. Mr. Gateau
3. Meeting Daisy
4. A New Life
5. Love in Murmansk
6. Meeting Again
7. Mr. Button
8. "Little Man" Oti
9. Alone at Night
10. It Was Nice to Have Met You
11. Children's Games
12. Submarine Attack
13. The Hummingbird
14. Sunrise on Lake Pontchartrain
15. Daisy's Ballet Career
16. The Accident
17. Stay Out of My Life
18. Nothing Lasts
19. Some Things You Never Forget
20. Growing Younger
21. Dying Away
22. Love Returns
23. Benjamin and Daisy
Disc/Cassette 2
1. "My name is Benjamin"
2. We Shall Walk Through the Streets of the City
3. "Some days I feel different"
4. Ostrich Walk
5. "How old are you?"
6. That's How Rhythm Was Born
7. "When was the last time you had a woman?"
8. Freight Train Blues
9. Basin Street Blues
10. "Thanksgiving, 1930"
11. If I Could Be With You (One Hour Tonight)
12. "What's your secret?"
13. Chanson Sur Staline
14. "A date which will live in infamy..."
15. Arabeske for Piano in C Major Op. 18
16. "Coming home"
17. Out of Nowhere
18. Dear Old Southland
19. "Defined by opportunities"
20. Skokiaan
21. "Things were becoming different for me..."
22. My Prayer
23. Bethena (A Concert Waltz)

发表于 2024-10-2 12:38:46 | 显示全部楼层
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